Dalma Mall

The Dalma mall is a 3 story shopping center located in Musaffah. The mall features multiple retail spaces, entertainment areas, food courts, movie theaters as well as other amenities. Construction was completed in two phases.
e.construct provided the structural engineering, precast works design and construction management, and architectural detailed design and fire and life safety.
Through value engineering the project was converted to a fully precast/prefab structure. By using hollow core slabs the 500 mm thick slabs were reduced to 200 mm. Similar savings were achieved by using precast elements such as columns, prestressed beams, core walls, stairs, parapets and self-finished insulated facades.
During the first phase, the ground floor was as a parking space with retail stores and other utilities present on the 1st and 2nd floors. During the second phase, the ground floor was converted to additional retail space, and a multistory parking structure was added. The architectural redesign increased lease-able retail area by 50,000 m² and added 5,500 additional parking spaces to cope with the increasing demand.
224,000 m2

construction sequence